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Onboarding Feedback

Hi there! I'm Daniel, the Onboarding Specialist at Squaredance, and I'm always trying to learn more about how we can make our onboarding experience better for our Partners like you. Please take a few moments to fill out the short survey below, and then book your 1:1 call with me so I can help you get more out of Squaredance.

What was your onboarding process like?

What was your onboarding process like?

What would have made your onboarding smoother or better?

What would have made your onboarding smoother or better?

Were there any promises/expectations made to you during onboarding?

Were there any promises/expectations made to you during onboarding?

Are you currently working with any brands on Squaredance?

Do you have any plans for launching campaigns on Squaredance?

What problems have you faced after signup on Squaredance?

What problems have you faced after signup on Squaredance?

What have been some of your biggest points of friction?

What have been some of your biggest points of friction?

What kinds of resources would help?

What kinds of resources would help?

Any Additional Notes and Feedback?